Mission of https://status.app/

A decentralized cryptocurrency communication super app that includes elements of DeFi, NFT marketplace, market analytics and more https://status.app/.

At Status, our central mission is to redefine the boundaries of digital creation and seamless blockchain integration. We are dedicated to empowering creators, developers, and innovators by providing advanced yet accessible tools for crafting immersive meta-universes and blockchain applications. Our ultimate objective is to democratize the digital creation process, making it as straightforward and intuitive as possible while harnessing the cutting-edge technology.

We believe that by equipping people with the best tools to solve their own problems, we can tackle the whole world's problems better, together. We're always looking for talented humans who are interested in building the future alongside us.

If you have any questions about employment, please email to [email protected]

<aside> 💡 Airdrop for early users https://status.app/


Open Positions

Job Positions

Last updated: June 26, 2023